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Showing posts from 2024

Learning to Drive

One of the most valued talents we grannies both have, is the ability to drive. We pride ourselves daily on that undertaking we took when we were both 30+. Driving was something that really was alien to both Granny Annie and Granny McC. As I (Granny McC) write this I still smile at that first journey I took on my own - to my parents house just a few miles away. At the time I had three young sons, two were in school and the youngest at home with me. I remember strapping him into the car seat behind, and off we went. As I parked at my parents house I remember the feeling to this day - I was bewildered as to how I got there. Not one second of the journey did I remember. I clearly drove on pure adrenalin that day. I was petrified of the drive home. But I made it, and I never looked back. Some months later, I passed my test and the squeal of delight and pride was heard on the moon I'm certain. Around the same time Granny Annie was also learning to drive. Like myself she too always thoug...

Grannies who like to eat out!

 You'll discover over the coming weeks and months that the Two Grannies do indeed like their food, and they enjoy nothing more than eating out! And part of the reason we two enjoy eating out is because years ago we were unable to afford to eat out. So now we take every advantage and roam the pubs, restaurants, coffee shops and we eat. And we eat. And we eat some more.  We will tell you as we go along about some of the places we both visit. Granny McC (that's me) has been very slow getting off the ground with her dining this new year, but that's all about to change. She had a wee hiccup but she'll be back out there dining very very soon.  I did manage a few (a few too many) visits to one of my favourite haunts this past week and indeed just yesterday. That of course being 'Tank & Skinny's Muff'. It's the perfect place to breakfast, brunch, lunch or just coffee with friends or with a good book. I've done it all and can't recommend enough. Gran...

Grannies who READ

Dr Seuss once said, 'You can find magic wherever you look, sit back and relax, all you need is a book.' Reading is not only a pastime and a hobby. It is empowering, inspiring and it really does provide an escape from everyday life. It can take you to places you never thought you would travel, and it can take you to places where you can find the real you. In many a book you will see you and you will learn about you. In other books you will find inspiration to keep going, ideas to change you, and always an enjoyment and fulfilment for you. Myself Granny McC, and Granny Annie are avid readers. However for one of us, that wasn't always the case - Granny Annie is a newbie to reading. And she has discovered 'a whole new world and one where I really can travel daily and find myself lost in another world.' Granny Annie shows that you're never too old to discover the joy of reading.  Granny McC has always been a book addict and reading lover. Many times over the years I ...

Brain Fog

 Oh dear oh dear, oh dear. Last night as we both penned a little post about ourselves we both forgot one of the most important elements of life at 'this stage' - MENOPAUSE!! Both Grannie Annie and Granny McC are confident we might be 'out the other side', but we're not definite. And well, our absent mindedness to mention MENOPAUSE confirms that our 'brain fog' is very much part of every day life still. But another reason for this blog is to shout from the rooftops the importance of talking about this crucial experience we women must go through.  More on our thoughts and experiences will be written about, but we want to start off on an honest footing, so admitting our 'brain fog' and its very real presence was a must this morning. Can we just point out that all our lady problems start with that word 'MEN' - Men strual, Men struation, Men tal, Men opause - can you think of someone in our lives who might be responsible for our apparent troubleso...

Introducing The Two Grannies

 It's time to put ourselves out there and let you know just who these 'Two Grannies' are. First up, it's myself GrĂ¡inne. Most know me as the face behind The WRITE STUFF Kids Club and The WRITE STUFF: Creative Writing facilitator, freelance writer, tutor and the gal who loves all things books and Shakespeare. But this is a whole other side that I now hope to explore. The side that feels it has acquired wisdom and life learning. The side that is fueled by friendship and life lessons. And all of that supported by the friend of 40+ years, Granny Annie.  I'm wife to one, mother to three, and granny to one. This is not about the role of being a granny, but more about the stage in life this brings me to. A stage where I'm content within myself, find it easier to say 'no', and know the importance of taking time for 'me'. I've reached this stage with a great family and a super circle of friends around me. And it's the friendship element that is go...

With Age comes wisdom!!

Some people will tell you there's not an ounce of wisdom between us. Others will tell you we are a hive of wisdom. You will have to decide for yourself as we take you on our journey.  The Two Grannies have put the world to rights on many a lunchtime chat, morning walk and more. All done with our wisdom.  So we'll start to share some of that with you in the coming weeks.  And with all the vitamin E oil we both use we do like to think that there's little wrinkles there. But maybe our glasses are not strong enough and we're happy enough with that.  Wise cracks, we have plenty.... he he he.  

Old Grannies not!

 Grannies are often perceived as being frail old ladies. These Two Grannies are everything but. Give them a dancefloor, a walkway, a bottle of wine (or 3), and they'll show how non-frail and youthful they really are. These Two Grannies believe in living life to the max. Enjoying every minute and living each day as their last. Getting to the Granny stage in life allows time to reflect and realise just how important living really is.  From painting slate gifts (that's Granny Annie) to jeweled frames (that's Granny Annie too), to interviewing musicians all over the world (that's Granny McCool) and running around the country promoting poetry and literature to schools everywhere (that's Granny McCool too), these Granny's show just how much living and enjoyment Grannies really do have. The Two Grannies will tell you all about their coat and shoe/boot addictions, they'll tell you about how they have experienced anxiety in the most unexpected ways; how they've...

The Two Grannies have landed

 It's been in the planning for a while. And finally it's here. The Two Grannies are destined to bring you on a journey of wisdom and learned life experience. From having too many coats, to dealing with anxiety, from good books to read, to sorting those shoes under the bed. Friendship and family. Travel and wine. Food and frolics. And fun always. The Two Grannies hope to inspire, offer support, and provide some entertainment along the way.