Oh dear oh dear, oh dear. Last night as we both penned a little post about ourselves we both forgot one of the most important elements of life at 'this stage' - MENOPAUSE!!
Both Grannie Annie and Granny McC are confident we might be 'out the other side', but we're not definite. And well, our absent mindedness to mention MENOPAUSE confirms that our 'brain fog' is very much part of every day life still.
But another reason for this blog is to shout from the rooftops the importance of talking about this crucial experience we women must go through.
More on our thoughts and experiences will be written about, but we want to start off on an honest footing, so admitting our 'brain fog' and its very real presence was a must this morning.
Can we just point out that all our lady problems start with that word 'MEN' - Menstrual, Menstruation, Mental, Menopause - can you think of someone in our lives who might be responsible for our apparent troublesome times - MEN!! All in jest of course lads. All in jest!!
Granny McC and Granny Annie xx